Pavé/Laekhouse Vuelta Stage 20 Contest!

Our friend Ethan over at Laekhouse loves giving you guys the opportunity to win free stuff. He asked – no, DEMANDED that we give some lucky reader the opportunity to win the newly introduced Renault-inspired cap they just introduced to their line. I don’t like Ethan very much*, but I love this hat, so I’m happy to comply.

To win the hat, all you need to do is pick the winner of Stage 20. Running from Bilbao to Vitoria over a distance of 185k, it’s the last chance for anyone to shake things up in the GC at this year’s Vuelta. Will we know our winner prior to the stage? It’s possible, but given that the top 5 are currently separated by less than 4 minutes, it may end up having a role in deciding the final podium.

The rules:

  1. One entry per person.
  2. Pick your stage winner, along with your guess for the amount time the winner of the stage will finish in.
  3. Winner of our contest will be the person who picks the winner of the stage!
  4. In the event multiple people guess the winner, the person who gets closest to the finish time will win.
  5. If no one picks the stage winner, we’ll go down the leader board until we find a rider someone picked. If, for example, Sagan wins the stage but no one picked him, but someone DID pick second place Chris Froome, the hat will go to the person who picked Froome. If two people pick him, tie will go to the person who picked the finish time closest to that of Sagan (not Froome!).
  6. Follow all of these rules! If you’re the only person who picks the winner, but you didn’t give a finish time, I’ll relegate you to last faster than you can say “irregular sprint!”

Entries can be made here in comments, or if you’re shy, via email to

* Truth be told, I like Ethan. But I like this hat a lot more.

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10 Responses to Pavé/Laekhouse Vuelta Stage 20 Contest!

  1. amelon says:

    Marzio Bruseghin – 5 hours 07 mins 27 seconds

    Awesome hat!

  2. cthulhu says:

    4h 24min 15s

    Yes, awesome hat, would really look good on my head when I cruise to the campus ;)

  3. ilrichards says:

    Sylvain Chavanel
    4h 50min 30s

  4. limonata says:

    Chavanel from a breakway: 4 hr 36 mins

  5. chels says:

    Eduard Vorganov (Katusha) in a time of 4 hours 52 minutes

  6. Jay Taylor says:

    Carlos Barredo, 4 hrs, 35 mins

  7. Brian says:

    Peter Sagan

    4h 38m 15s

  8. Oldschooly says:

    Le Mevel


    gimme gimme gimme…

  9. Houston says:



  10. Jay Taylor says:

    Oh man, I tuned in to see none other than Mr. Carlos Barredo off the front with about 30k left! I couldn't believe my surprise to see my hand-picked winner out there doing what he needed to do for me to get that hat. Alas, it was not to be, but it sure made the latter parts of the stage fun. Congrats to cthulhu on picking Bennati. He was due for a win, so hats off.

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